Hey guys! I thought I would blog about my dinner tonight. Apparently, I have a cheese craving today because everything I made tonight includes cheese! The first recipe I am going to write about is a white bean soup. As I've said before, no matter how warm it is outside, I am always in the mood for soup. It warms my insides and makes me feel relaxed, I love it!
The ingredients you will need are:
1 tablespoon of olive oil
1 tablespoon of butter
1 onion, diced (I use onions and carrots that are already diced at the store! I get them at Trader Joes and it saves so much time!)
2 large carrots, diced
4 gloves of garlic, pressed (I used minced garlic from a jar that I bought at the grocery store to make life easier)
2 teaspoons of Italian seasoning
1/2 teaspoon of cracked pepper
2 cans of white beans
2 cups of chicken stock
This recipe is super simple because all you need to do is add the ingredients together and let it simmer. Start by heating olive oil and butter together in a large pan on the stove. Once hot, add diced onions and carrots. Let those sautee' for about 5 minutes and then add garlic. (If you want, you can add other veggies, like celery or something else that you like). I used garlic that is already minced from the grocery store. I added about 2 tablespoons (I really love garlic!) but you can add however much you want! Once the garlic becomes aromatic, add the Italian seasoning, white beans and chicken broth. Then let simmer for about 40-45 minutes. Half way through the simmer process, I scooped out some of the white beans and blended them in a blender and then put them back in the soup in order to make the soup thicker. If you don't have a blender, you can mash the beans with the back of a fork or spoon. Mash as many beans as you'd like in order to create whatever thickness you want for your soup. Once the simmer process is over with, I garnished with parmesan cheese and pepper and it's done!

The second part of my meal was parmesan roasted asparagus. This is the first time that I have ever baked asparagus in an oven, so I was a little skeptical at first but it was so good that I don't think I'll ever cook them any other way from now on!
The ingredients you will need are:
asparagus (however many you would like)
olive oil
parmesan cheese
As I have said before, I have an obsession with garlic salt and truffle oil so I added those ingredients in as well. All you have to do is mix all the ingredients together and coat the asparagus with the mixture and garnish with parmesan cheese. Then place asparagus on a cookie sheet, preheat your oven to 350F and let cook for 10 minutes. Yes, only 10 minutes! Or until cheese is a little browned. And they are SO good!
For the third and final part of my dish tonight, I decided to spread brie cheese on baked crostini. I bought the costini and brie at Trader Joes.
This brie has wild mushrooms in it and it is super tasty!
Warning: these crostini's are addicting!
I spread the brie cheese on the crostini and then drizzled honey on top.
As you can tell, I had quite the feast tonight and it was so good that I recommend these recipes to anyone! They are so simple and take little to no effort at all. And also, as you can tell, I am not the healthiest eater but this dinner was so good that it was worth it!